Treatment of Public Holidays
Dear Members,
On Thursday December 31, 2020, the public was informed that Monday January 4th and Tuesday January 5th, 2021 were to be declared public holidays. Consequently, businesses questioned how these days should be treated.
Payment for work on Public Holidays
January 4 & 5th 2021 should be treated in a similar manner as other public holidays e.g., Errol Barrow Day and Heroes’ Day. The Shops Act, 2015-30 requires that where Shop Assistants work on a public holiday that they shall be paid at double time.
For all other categories of workers, company policy, collective agreements and the employment contract dictate how payment for public holidays is calculated and this should be followed.
Public Holidays and Annual Vacation
For each public holiday that falls within a period of annual holiday a day must be added to the annual holiday. Persons must be paid for each additional day of holiday.
Public holidays are not treated as part of the annual holiday and therefore the terms of the employment as it relates to payment for public holidays shall apply.
Barbados Employers’ Confederation