To our valued members, clients & partners
Some important changes in our operations have been triggered by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. If you have any queries about any of the information mentioned in this email, please feel free to reach out to us to discuss in more detail.
Remote Operations
Effective January 6th 2021 Barbados Employers’ Confederation will operate remotely. Please be assured that, while our physical office may be closed we will remain available to you and your team. Given our technological operations we do not anticipate any delays in service delivery.
Our telephone numbers and email addresses remain unchanged. Calls made to our office will be rerouted to one of our team members. We encourage you to reach out to any of our team members for support at this time.
Staying in contact
We understand that the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 virus remain fluid. We will issue updates periodically based on recommendations from governmental and health agencies. For any urgent queries or updates, please reach out to the appropriate team member using our office number, (246) 435-4753.
We wish you and your team safety and good health and we reaffirm our commitment to supporting employers.
Continue to stay safe.
Barbados Employers’ Confederation