The BEC is recognized as the collective voice for employers within Barbados. Whether it is to comment on proposed legislation or ensure that the emerging workforce is educated for the advancement of Barbados, the BEC is ready to promote the interests of businesses to facilitate economic development.
By being a member of the BEC there is an opportunity to state your opinion, inform of potential difficulties and suggest improvements on various issues that affect the business community. This information can then be used to inform decisions at the macro level which impact on all business activity within the country. As an advocate, we represent the employers’ interest on numerous boards and committees, both locally and internationally, some of which are:
- Shop Wages Council
- National Productivity Council
- National Development Scholarship Committee
- National HIV/AIDS Commission
- National Insurance Scheme
- International Organisation of Employers
- Caribbean Employers Confederation
- National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health
Additionally, we sit as a member of the Barbados Social Partnership through our affiliate, Barbados Private Sector Association. This means we are strategically placed to highlight the issues and concerns of employers on employment related matters.
The Confederation is the premier lobbying membership organization on National, Regional and International Labour matters. The ultimate aim of all lobbying efforts is to create and assist in sustaining a fair legislative base and harmonious conditions within which Enterprises can compete and effectively prosper. These objectives are achieved by working with strategic partners including but not limited to the Barbadian Government as well as, Regional and International policy makers.
Our mandate is member driven and areas for lobbying are derived by our representative trade-groups based on ‘industry statistics and trends.
Feel free to contact us to enquire on how we may be able to lobby for YOU.